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Active Taxation  Services

We aim to simplify your tax management to make informed and calculated decisions throughout the year in accordance with your business plans and projections.

Taxation Services

Australian Tax compliance is complicated and ever-changing. As experienced and registered Tax Accountants we are always up to date with changes in legislation and Australian Taxation Office Rules and Policies allowing your business to remain compliant and to continue to operate without hindrance.


We aim to simplify your tax management to make informed and calculated decisions throughout the year in accordance with your business plans and projections.


Our services include

  • Tax Minimisation planning and Taxation structuring

  • Tax Return Preparation and lodgement

  • Personal Tax Returns for the business owner

  • GST & BAS preparation and lodgement

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 Alan Porter & Associates
Certified Practicing Accountants

Real Business Experience

Client Focused

Up to date knowledge

Solutions Driven


343 Kent Street

Maryborough Qld 4650


P.O. Box 141

Maryborough Qld 4650



07 4121 2661

Contact Us

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